As most know, production stopped on all my timers over two years as well as the accessories made in Poland. This was NOT my decision. The man who had done all my work for decades developed cancer and he had to stop all his work. It was not possible to locate a new worker as the skills he had were honed over all this time and he had made many specialized tool for his work. This included the Remote Pinch Off device known as the RPO. I did all the final assembly myself, but the machine work was done overseas in order to keep the cost down. Since running out of the RPO I had many desperate call for them. I thought I had found a place to make them in the US but that fell through.
So, I contracted to have parts machined in the US and I do the assembly myself, as in the past. As you might expect, machine work in the US for low volumes is much more costly than East Europe, so the parts are far more expensive. I hope you understand. I did this for you.
I do not expect to do this again so when the current stock is exhausted, that will be the end.
I request all orders be placed on the shopping cart and no phone calls. And, I no longer take credit cards so you must use PayPal. Or send in a check. I must work to make these so do allow time for this.